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EEI Fall Workshop 2023

October 09, 2023

Office workers talking

ENGIE Resources is proud to sponsor this week’s Edison Electric Institute (EEI) National Key Accounts Workshop in Columbus, Ohio. The October 8-11 event brings together national corporate energy users and representatives of electricity suppliers, technology companies and other suppliers. 

ENGIE’s relationship with EEI spans more than 20 years and the fall event is one of two semi-annual workshops where participants discuss ongoing and emerging topics such as energy resource mix, energy use and management, and electric transportation. 

Organized in 1933, EEI provides public policy leadership, strategic business intelligence, and essential conferences and forums. It is the association that represents all U.S. investor-owned electric companies.

Participation in the workshop series includes an exhibit in the marketplace. 

Workshop and presentation topics include:

  • Trials and Tribulations of EV Charging Infrastructure
  • Achieving 100% Carbon-Free Energy
  • Setting Carbon Goals
  • Energy Resilience