Market Data

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Historical Data Reports

  1. Select either Electricity or Natural Gas.
  2. For Natural Gas, choose your frequency. Enter date range and click on "GENERATE REPORTS".
  3. For Electricity, choose your ISO territory, zone, data type and date span. Enter date range and click on "GENERATE REPORTS".
  4. View your report and export as a CSV if desired.

Note: Contract unit is 10,000 MMBtu and prices are U.S. dollars and cents per MMBtu. Source: CME Group.

Step 1.

Select commodity

Step 2.

Select ISO

Step 3.

Select Zone

Select ISO first.

Step 2.

Select Frequency

Step 4.

Choose Data Type

Select/Unselect All
Daily Day Ahead
Daily Real Time
Weekly Day Ahead
Weekly Real Time
Monthly Day Ahead
Monthly Real Time
Hourly Day Ahead
Hourly Real Time

Step 3.

Select Date Range

Start Date

End Date

Step 5.

Choose Date Range

Start Date

End Date



Disclaimer: The information contained in these reports is gathered from public and/or internal sources and is presented solely for the convenience of our customers and website viewers. ENGIE Resources makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information set forth in this report, and ENGIE Resources shall not have any liability to any person or entity resulting from use of this information in any way. Due to technical issues, there may be a delay of one to two business days for the historical data to publish for each ISO. Many, readily-available data sources only offer a five-year window. Although we publish data beyond a five-year period, the availability of data exceeding this range is inconsistent and unreliable.

The natural gas market data contained herein: (i) includes the proprietary information of Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. or it’s licensors, as applicable ; (ii) may not be copied, sold or further disseminated except as specifically authorized; (iii) does not constitute investment advice; (iv) is provided solely for informational purposes; and (v) is not warranted to be complete, accurate or timely. You may not develop or create any derivative work or other product that uses, is based on, or is developed in connection with any of the Information (including, without limitation, proprietary data, settlement data or indices) available on this site.