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ISO NE Offers 10-Year Outlook

November 06, 2023


Map of Maine, Vermont, NewHampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island


ISO New England has released a draft of its 2023 Regional System Plan (RSP23), a look at the evolving needs of the region’s power grid. The Plan assesses the types of resources and transmission facilities the region needs over the next 10 years, while accounting for market efficiencies and economic and environmental considerations. It is not a proposal to build specific projects.


  • The region’s annual and peak energy use will grow significantly over the next decade, driven by the electrification of heating and transportation.
  • As soon as 2031, the region could experience peak loads during a particularly cold winter instead of the traditional summer peak. By the mid-2030s, winter will likely become the peak season.
  • Existing distributed solar power has already shifted summer net peak loads to later in the afternoon, when solar output is lower. As a result, new distributed solar will play a lesser role in reducing summer peak demand than it has previously.
  • 353 generation projects are being tracked, up from 289 two years ago.
  • New England’s electricity supply is rapidly shifting toward a higher proportion of intermittent resources such as wind and solar power.

For more:

ISO Wire News: Regional System Plan Identifies of Future New England Grid Draft